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5 Benefits of Social Groups For Your Tween and Teen!

One of the most important skills a tween or teen can develop is the ability to interact positively with others. However, social skills don’t always come naturally to everyone and can be challenging to teach. That’s where joining a social group can be a game-changer.

Social skills are essential for an adolescent’s development and growth. They help kids form healthy relationships, communicate effectively, and navigate complex social situations. Unfortunately, some kids struggle with these skills, which can make it challenging for them to thrive in social environments. At K1ds Count Therapy, we understand the importance of social skills and offer social groups to help develop these skills in a fun and supportive environment.

During these sessions, our experienced team of professionals, including speech-language pathologists and mental health therapists, work with your tween or teen to develop a range of skills. These include social thinking, problem-solving, conversational skills, emotional regulation, collaborative work and play, and executive functioning skills. Our social groups are a great way to meet and interact with peers in a safe and structured setting where kids can learn and practice new skills, build confidence, and have fun.

Here are 5 reasons you should enroll your tween or teen!

  1. Learn new skills while having fun!
    Play is a vital part of a child’s development. It not only helps them to have fun and enjoy their adolescence, but it also helps them to learn and develop new skills. Social groups will allow your child to learn about problem-solving, social skills, creativity, and imagination with peers who share similar interests.
  1. Learn to have meaningful and impactful conversations with peers!
    Making friends can be hard! K1ds Count Therapy’s social groups are led by speech therapists and mental health therapists who are skilled in helping to develop their social thinking and conversation skills. Joining a social group will allow for connections to be made, relationships to be strengthened, and a create a community full of support.
  1. Learn how to problem-solve in social scenarios!
    As your tween or teen continues to grow and interact with others, they will inevitably encounter situations where conflict arises or they need to navigate complex social dynamics. By developing problem-solving skills, they can learn how to communicate effectively, empathize with others, and find mutually beneficial solutions to conflicts. These skills will not only benefit them during adolescence but will also serve them well throughout their lives.
  1. Hang out with peers who have shared interests!
    Spending time with people who share your interests is a great way to build lasting friendships and have fun while doing something you enjoy. KCT’s social group fosters a community of like-minded individuals that can provide a sense of belonging and support. Not only can your child bond over your shared passions, but you may also learn new things or gain new perspectives from those around them.
  1. Extra opportunities to make friends!
    Joining a social skills group provides everyone with an extra opportunity to make friends. Social skills groups are designed to help people learn and practice the skills needed to build and maintain positive relationships. These groups have the opportunity to learn valuable communication and social skills that will help you to connect with others more easily.

Our social groups have a mission to help build a community with others who have similar interests that can be incredibly uplifting for not only your child but parents too. You may also find a network of parents who share similar experiences and can offer helpful advice and resources.

K1ds Count Therapy Spring 2024 Social Group session is open for enrollment for ages 10 years and older. Help your child develop the skills to thrive! Our groups are led by KCT outpatient speech-language pathologists and mental health therapists. Social groups meet once a week between February 5th and April 22nd, 2024 for a total of 10 sessions  (skipping the weeks of 3/25 and 4/1 for Spring break). The elementary/middle school group will meet on Monday evenings from 5:15-6:00 pm and the teen group will meet on Thursday evenings from 4:15-5:00 pm. The cost for the group is $200 private pay. Enrollment in the group will be first come, first served! We are capping each group at 6 clients to ensure a 1:6 therapist-to-client ratio. Sign up K1ds Count Therapy Spring 2024 Social Group sessions here! 

Find out more information about our social groups by reaching out to Alyssa Hay, CCC-SLP at ahay@kctherapy or Erin Miller, CCC-SLP, at emiller@kctherapy.com. Feel free to call us Monday through Friday at (317)520-4748. Interested to learn more about K1ds Count Therapy? There’s more to learn about our comprehensive services at kctherapy.com.