Mental Health services at K1ds Count Therapy are just as unique as your child! Our team of therapists facilitate learning opportunities, testing, and psychotherapy approaches through play-based activities, and work with you to identify your childβs and familyβs needs. Our mental health clinicians love to collaborate with other KCT disciplines to provide a holistic approach to your childβs services.
K1ds Count Therapy’s Mental Health Counseling services are client and family-centered, and incorporate unique interests, values, roles, and beliefs. Counseling services might include assisting in understanding a diagnosis, behavior change, symptom relief, skill development, relationship changes, family habits, how you view yourself, and how you see meaning in the world.
The first counseling visit includes an initial intake evaluation in which the clinician gathers data from the client, parents/caregivers, and other professionals as indicated. Ongoing treatment sessions can include a combination of child-only sessions, parent-only sessions, or child and parent(s) together in sessions. Have you been wondering, “Where can I find PCIT therapy near me?” Our team at K1ds Count Therapy can help you. Contact us today to learn more about our therapy services.
Learned behavior patterns can be unlearned or replaced if current methods lead to difficulty in everyday life. Thinking, feeling, and doing are all connected! Young child therapy (ages 2-6) uses play, relational, and behavioral interventions to promote desired behavior, healthy expression of feelings, calm-down skills, healing from stress, and effective parenting strategies. Parent and child have fun together! Youth/teen therapy (ages 6 and up) assists in the client learning new skills for expressing emotions, communicating needs, and solving problems to enhance daily life. Conversations and creative, fun tasks teach about the connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions.
PCIT is a data-driven treatment approach that targets children ages 2-7 yrs old, and assists parents in fostering connection and joy with their young child. Parents are coached in real time in a non-judgmental environment facilitating learning and development of skills for behavior management.
Trauma-focused therapy assists children and caregivers in adjusting to major life stressors. Through individualized and evidence-based intervention approaches, the child builds skills to cope, and creates a narrative to understand what happened and why. Additional goals include creating a plan collaboratively between the clinician, client, and family to ensure health and safety.
Diagnoses tested for include autism, ADHD, oppositional disorders, intellectual disorders, and developmental delay.
Our psychological diagnostic testing services are designed for children ages 2-18. Diagnostic testing, coupled with information provided from direct client observation and caregiver interview, can result in the identification or ruling out of various diagnoses. Initial intake, testing, and feedback occur in three separate visits.
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Providing comprehensive school-based services to Indianapolis and surrounding areas.
Β© 2024 ABA & Autism Therapy Services | Indianapolis, Brownsburg, Carmel, Crawfordsville, Zionsville.