Occupational Therapy

K1ds Count Therapy occupational therapy services are client-centered, and focus on assisting children in participating in meaningful occupations, or activities and tasks that provide purpose and meaning. Delays or differences in age-appropriate skills, whether due to an established diagnosis or not, can impede a child’s ability to participate in their school, home, and community environments. Occupational therapy incorporates and recognizes each child’s individual roles, contexts, interests, and skills to assess and address areas of growth.

What is
Occupational Therapy?

What is Occupational Therapy?

At K1ds Count Therapy, our occupational therapy in Indianapolis includesΒ an initial evaluation with assessment, intervention/treatment sessions, regular re-assessments to outline progress or continued areas of focus, and discharge planning. Your child’s OT will communicate with you regularly to outline progress, provide suggestions for carryover and practice outside of the clinic setting, and/or discuss potential changes to the treatment plan.

Our occupational therapists participate in state licensure-required continuing education opportunities to ensure assessment and intervention practices are current with evidenced-based research. Each therapist is provided with a K1ds Count Therapy annual CEU stipend to promote clinical and professional growth.

Our OTs participate in regular in-service learning opportunities together, and value collaborating with KCT professionals of other disciplines to ensure clients receive well-rounded care.

Services Offered by Our
Occupational Therapy Team

Activities of Daily Living

Based on age, there are milestones we’d expect to be achieved related to safety and emergency maintenance, money management, household chores, meal prep and cleanup, community navigation, care of others, and care of pets. Your KCT OT will assist in identifying what can and should be worked on in treatment sessions.

Does your child have a restrictive diet or preference for only a small amount of foods? Our occupational therapists address pediatric feeding concerns related to the toleration of sensory experiences with food. This might include play-based exposure to novel or non-preferred foods from a hierarchical sensory approach or providing education and suggestions on stress-free mealtime routines. KCT OTs work closely with our speech therapists to identify the need for additional oral motor-based feeding intervention, and make appropriate referrals as indicated.
Fine Motor Manipulation and Strength

Fine motor skills are vital for manipulating items in our environments. Delays in fine motor manipulation skills or deficits in upper extremity strength can impact the way we perform at school, home, and in the community. Your KCT OT will be able to identify if deficits in fine motor skills are present, and how these can be addressed at home and in the clinic setting.

Visual-Motor Integration

Visual-motor integration is complex, and continues to expand and refine across early developmental periods. VMI relies on the combination of fine and gross motor control and precision, visual-perception and acuity, and oculomotor control. There are many VMI milestones expected to be reached across infancy through adolescence. Your KCT OT will assist in identifying deficits, addressing skills in sessions, and referring to other specialists if indicated.

Gross Motor Coordination and Strength

Gross motor coordination and strength is fundamental in facilitating most complex fine and visual motor skills. Our KCT OTs can identify and address deficits in gross motor milestones and strength as it relates to the upper extremities and core, and may refer your child for PT services if appropriate.

Sensory Integration and Processing

Every child’s brain perceives and interprets sensory input in a unique way. When differences in sensory integration and processing are present, it can lead to difficulties in participation across environments (home, school, community). Our KCT OTs can identify and address differences in sensory integration to facilitate enhanced engagement and toleration of stimuli across settings.

Emotion Regulation

The ability to regulate emotions is inherent in participation across environments, as well as establishing and maintaining relationships with peers, friends, teachers, and family members. Emotion regulation can also be strongly tied to sensory integration. Your KCT OT will be able to assess and identify deficits in emotion regulation, and work with you to identify strategies across environments.

Executive Functioning

Executive functioning skills guide every action and decision we make. These skills continue to develop over time as a child’s brain grows and changes. Executive functioning includes attention, memory, organization, planning, problem solving, cognition, and sequencing. Our OTs can identify and address deficits in executive functioning as they relate to expected age-appropriate skills and tasks.

Play Skills

A child’s most important job is to play! Did you know there are different types of play? Your KCT OT can assist in developing play skills with your child as it relates to expected developmental milestones.

Leisure Skills

Does your child have a variety of interests and preferred activities that are meaningful to them? Your KCT OT can assist in identifying prerequisite skills required to complete a desired activity, and address deficits based on expected developmental milestones.

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is a vital part of our mental and physical health. If your child has difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep, talk with your KCT OT to identify potential strategies and adjustments to day or nighttime routines.


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