Speech Therapy

Are you looking for a speech therapist in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas? Turn to K1ds Count Therapy. OurΒ services are individualized to meet the unique needs of every child. Whether the therapy need is a single service or multiple, the collaboration between disciplines cultivates a comprehensive learning experience for every client! Our therapists are trained to work with and provide services to clients of all diagnoses from birth through their 21st birthday.

What is Speech Therapy?

Our team of speech therapists work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive communication and feeding/swallowing disorders in children. We have an excellent team of speech therapists at Kids Count Therapy with a multitude of experience. You will see our therapists on the floor engaging in play based therapy sessions with your child. Parents are invited to attend our 30 or 60 minute sessions, but are not required to stay. Our therapists enjoy providing carryover education and activities to increase generalization into the home setting. We offer the speech therapy Indianapolis families depend on.

Services Offered by Our
Speech Therapy Team


Social Group

Our Speech Therapists design and implement social pragmatic skills therapy using multiple Social Thinking curriculums as well as role play and game activities across ABA and outpatient clients. Therapists facilitate many social groups within the ABA setting as well as a weekly teen group.

Our speech therapists and occupational therapists collaborate together to provide a sensory based approach to exploring food. The goal of the SOS approach is to increase the child’s comfort level with particular foods by interacting and learning about the taste, texture, smell and consistency of food. It allows the child to interact with food in a playful, exploratory way.

Our ABA clients participate in these groups weekly depending on client placement. These groups simulate a classroom like environment circle time and focus on language enrichment, functional skills and spontaneous use of language with peers.

LAMP Group

LAMP group is a weekly group provided to our ABA clients to promote the functional use of their speech generating devices by focusing on and generalizing the use of core vocabulary across multiple provided activities.

Language and Learning Group

Language and Learning Group:
Language and Learning Group is a language enriched group led by our speech therapists in the ABA setting. Therapists teach thematic lessons with a story and coordinating activities to increase speech sounds, literacy skills, basic concepts and cognitive language skills.


At KCT, we offer comprehensive and specialized care for children with a wide range of feeding and swallowing disorders. We have a team of speech therapists with many years of combined experience in the treatment of feeding/swallowing disorders. These disorders are diverse in nature so referrals to our speech therapy team may include children who have difficulty maintaining adequate nutrition, difficulty with oral motor skill acquisition (e.g. with breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or transitioning to solids), children who are at risk or have a history of aspiration, children transitioning from a feeding tube to oral nutrition, children with sensory disorders that impact their ability to tolerate a range of food textures/temperatures, and children who have been deemed picky eaters.

AAC Evaluation

Our speech therapists are trained to provide your child a comprehensive Alternative and Augmentative Communication evaluation. During this process, our therapists will work with you and your child to trial different devices and vocabulary systems in order to best meet the needs of the child! Once the appropriate device and vocabulary system have been selected, the speech therapist will work to complete the paperwork and evaluation to secure funding from your insurance company. This can be a long process, but having the opportunity to provide your child with a voice is our ultimate goal!


At KCT, we are able to provide a dyslexia screening with an Orton Gillingham trained therapist. These screenings can identify indicators of dyslexia (deficits in phonemic awareness, reading, and spelling) and determine if a client would benefit from Orton Gillingham tutoring services. The screening does NOT provide formal diagnostic testing to rule out or diagnose dyslexia. We are able to provide Orton Gillingham tutoring in our outpatient setting!


Articulation therapy involves correcting speech sounds produced in error. Our therapists can assess your child’s speech sound production to identify appropriateness of sound acquisition and ensure the meeting of milestones.

Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Per ASHA, Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a neurological speech sound disorder that impacts precision and consistency of movements used for making speech sounds. CAS may present comorbidly with many other diagnoses and is often seen in children with autism. Our therapists can assess your child using the Kaufman Speech Praxis Test to identify potential breakdowns and develop a treatment plan to increase oral motor plans necessary for sound production.

Expressive/Receptive Language

Our speech therapists also provide services to increase language skills. This may include receptive language, the ability to listen and understand other communicators, and expressive language, the ability to use language to express our wants and needs. Language therapy focuses on increasing vocabulary and the ability to put words together to form sentences so that clients are able to express their personal and medical wants and needs. Skills learned and strengthened through language therapy include listening to and following verbal directions, identifying age-appropriate language concepts and comprehending spoken language by asking and answering questions to gain information.


Fluency therapy (also known as stuttering) involves providing our clients the skills necessary to self-monitor and self-correct fluency skills in conversation. Depending on the client’s age, therapists may work to simply provide education and resources to families while providing a safe and calm environment or working through skills needed to self-monitor speaking fluency across many environments.

Social Pragmatic Skills

Social pragmatic language includes the skills we use in our daily interactions with others. This includes what we say, how we say it, how we react to social situations and how we identify the thoughts and feelings of those around us. Our therapists enjoy utilizing Social Thinking curriculums such as the Zones of Regulation, We Thinkers and Superflex to teach these skills. We also offer a weekly social group for middle school and high school students!


Voice and resonance disorders can include hypernasality, hyponasality, cul-de-sac resonance and mixed resonance. Our speech therapists assess and identify disorders and work to achieve improved resonance and articulation sufficient to allow for functional oral communication.


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